Concrete Surface Failure Differences

In our day-to-day business working as concrete producers ourselves, and working with other producers and concrete contractors  one thing we often see is concrete surface failures being misdiagnosed or mistaken as a different concrete surface failure that looks similar. Popouts, Mortar Lift Off, and Scaling are three concrete surface failures we often hear mistaken for one another. This is understandable as they do look very similar in a lot of cases.

However, it is important to understand which concrete failure has occurred to ensure we can investigate what may have caused the failure to occur and to avoid them from occurring again in the future.

As such, we wanted to provide you with a video showing three of the most commonly mistaken concrete surface failures and show how you can identify them, what might have caused them, and ways to reduce the risk of them occurring.

The above short video includes pieces from a live seminar called “Fundamentals of Concrete” put on for concrete producers hosted in Alberta, Canada. Roughly 70 concrete producers attended our most recent seminar with some flying in from multiple countries and many from across the country to learn from our experts about different aspects of concrete production over the course of 2 days.

Concrete Genius™ is driven to further the education of concrete in order to improve concrete quality around the world. Our experts have been flown around the world to Europe, Africa, and all over North America to increase concrete knowledge, helping hundreds of concrete producers produce higher quality concrete more consistently.

Knowledge is power. Information is power. The secreting or hoarding of knowledge or information may be an act of tyranny camouflaged as humility.“- Robin Morgan

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