Concrete Genius® has a vast experience gained over 10 years of production in almost every application. All general concrete for every project is produced to meet CSA A23.1/14 and produce all exposure classes of concrete.

Some of these projects include:

  • Public schools, mid-rise buildings, and aquatic centres
  • Airport runways and deicing pads
  • Strutural and flatwork for oil sands facilities
  • Concrete supply under Alberta Transportations Bridge Specifications
  • And many medium and large sized commercial and residential facilities on 3 different continents
  • All with 100% performance


  • Trusted with all the concrete for Alberta Infrastructure Public High School
  • 1000m3 over 3 days with ±0.5 MPa per day and a variation of 1 MPa from day 1 to day 3
  • 130+ tests on 5 different trucks with variations in slump as requested delivering nearly 50m3 / hr average for 4 different mix designs. All within project specifications


With respect to CSA A23.1/14, the performance criteria for any project will be:

  • The project specifications for plastic concrete including: slump, air content, consistency, w/cm ratio, age of concrete, temperature, work-ability, place-ability, and finish-ability.
  • The project specifications for hardened concrete include: compression strength/flexural strength as requested, permeability, durability (freeze-thaw, chemical attack, wear resistance) and longevity.

Each of these requirements is measurable, and a producer who has successfully manufactured a product to meet these requirements has fulfilled the requirements of CSA A23.1/14.


  • 12” thick low-slump concrete
  • Required 9 different ingredients to meet architectural requirements
  • Awarded project because of quality of work on public school
  • 9 seperate trucks tested
  • 7 mix designs just for the slope of the pool. Many more mix designs requested to meet entire project scope: including pilings, foundations, suspended slabs, extra flat slabs, exterior concrete, slip form paved concrete, and decorative concrete
  • From now on, every pool we pour, we will insist you supply the concrete
    Dwayne Owner, Grizzly Concrete


What you can rely on:

  • Performance: 100% for 10 consecutive years success rate on compression cylinders, slump and air tests. That’s consecutive third party testing with over 1000 cylinders, over 500 slump and air tests and everyone within design specifications. Add to that 1000’s of other in-house tests from our own lab and QC program. That’s performance you can count on!
  • No worry of over ordering, no waiting for balance loads, no measuring up, no hot spots or cold joints, and no expiring concrete. Best of all… No crew standing around waiting, which is money in your pocket.
  • Won't break your bank because it actually takes us less energy, manpower, and time to produce a high quality product because we use smarter technology. Wasteful technology wastes your money and your time - Concrete Genius doesn’t.
  • Consistent, durable, reliable mixing with consistent accurate slump at speeds 70-100+m3/hr.
  • The most eco-friendly concrete mixing technology – Reduces CO2 emissions, saves water, reduces traffic congestion and wear on roads.
  • Proof: Concrete Genius can provide references within any location we service supporting our claims of the best possible service and the best possible quality. (see real testimonials throughtout our website)


Concrete Genius® is proud to have been trusted by many of the top companies around the globe. You can trust that like them you'll receive the highest quality product at an affordable price. Here's a few of our customers...

Concrete Genius ready mix concrete customers
Concrete Genius ready mix concrete customers