Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) is a no-slump concrete compacted by vibratory forces. RCC has demonstrated life spans in Canada of 40+ years and is found worldwide in dams, heavy industry areas (logging, lay down areas, ports, container yards, etc.), airports, roads and streets, parking lots, base for overlays, and more.

Concrete Genius® is an RCC leader having completed with our completely mobile proprietary mixing technology:

  • Commercial RCC
  • Industrial RCC
  • Agricultural RCC
  • Municipal RCC including public roads
  • Alberta Transportation concrete and Airport concrete such as runways and deicing pads
  • All with 100% performance for 9 consecutive years on all third party testing


  • Life spans of 20 to 40 years (with little to no maintenance)
  • Life span savings of 35% to 85% over traditional surfaces such as asphalt at a similar installed price
  • Price stability as it is not dependant on oil prices unlike asphalt
  • Reduced lighting costs (up to 31% for night lighting) - because it reflects light in a diffuse manner, compared to the slightly spectral (somewhat mirror-like) reflectiveness of asphalt pavement, which also increases nightime visibility
  • No pot holes or ruts because it does not oxidize (break-down) and because it resists extreme temperatures including freeze / thaw forces
  • Environmental benefits because of no oil run-off into the soil, less energy to lay and little to no repairs for 20-40 years, less materials required to produce, and ZERO WASTE in production


With respect to CSA A23.1/14, the performance criteria for any RCC project will be:

  • The project specifications for plastic concrete including: slump, air content, consistency, w/cm ratio, age of concrete, temperature, work-ability, place-ability, and finish-ability.
  • The project specifications for hardened concrete include: compression strength/flexural strength as requested, permeability, durability (freeze-thaw, chemical attack, wear resistance) and longevity.

Each of these requirements is measurable, and a producer who has successfully manufactured a product to meet these requirements has fulfilled the requirements of CSA A23.1/14.


  • Industry Leader

Largest industrial pavement company in the Prairies and an International Leader in continuous mixing. Only company in Western Canada with experience in RCC for Municipal, Industrial, Commercial, and Agricultural.

  • Qualtity Reputation

Perfect performance on all third party testing for 9 consecutive years. 100% performance on every project in every industry for every customer. These same experts design concrete using the latest industry recognized design engineering tools to ensure high quality for the desired lifespan and application.

  • Trusted Partner

Concrete trusted in almost every application by many of the top companies. See real testimonials here.

  • Vast Experience

Projects include public schools, public roads concrete, public pools, airport concrete including runways, concrete under Alberta Transportation. All with 100% performance.


What you can rely on:

  • Performance: 100% for 9 consecutive years success rate on compression cylinders, slump and air tests. That’s consecutive third party testing with over 1000 cylinders, over 500 slump and air tests and everyone within design specifications. Add to that 1000’s of other in-house tests from our own lab and QC program. That’s performance you can count on!
  • Won't break your bank because it actually takes us less energy, manpower, and time to produce a high quality product because we use smarter technology. Plus, our RCC is designed to last with no maintenance - meaning huge lifespan savings over traditional pavements.
  • Consistent, durable, reliable mixing with consistent accurate slump at customizable speeds anywhere up to 400 tonnes per hour all from our 3 different completely mobile mixing platforms.
  • The most eco-friendly concrete mixing technology – Reduces CO2 emissions, saves water, reduces traffic congestion and wear on roads. We set up our continuous mixing technology as close as possible to your project in as little as a few minutes... keeping as much traffic off the roads as possible.
  • Proof: Concrete Genius can provide references within any location we service supporting our claims of the best possible service and the best possible quality. (see real testimonials throughtout our website)


Concrete Genius® is proud to have been trusted by many of the top companies around the globe. You can trust that like them you'll receive the highest quality product at an affordable price. Here's a few of our customers...

Concrete Genius ready mix concrete customers
Concrete Genius ready mix concrete customers